Set correct time with NTP server


Posted by SwitchBackup Team - sobota 21. června 2014 11:19:40

Usually each network environment must have an authorized time source. When we say authorized, we mean a source configured by administrator to get time from trusted source and to set time on network devices, like domain controller for workstations, DHCP server, core switch, main router and so on.

You ought to configure that time source for your all your switches and routers too, in Cisco type simple:

configure terminal
 ntp server


With SwitchBackup, you can simple check which ntp server is configured - use offline backup analyzer and test line
ntp server

If you need to correct setting in one ore more devices, you can use Code Snippet to make mass configuration of all devices at once. Suppose, you have find some Cisco switches with incorrect setting and some without ntp server configured. Than create a snippet:


configure terminal
  no ntp server
  ntp server key 0 prefer


and applay to all that devices.